Meet The Authors

Say hello to the authors

Londa Harwell and Dr. Rachelle Crowder are best friends. They have a mutual love of exploring the outdoors, hiking, and taking in beautiful sights. Together, they wrote the Value Exchange Manual.

Londa Harwell


Londa discovered the value of inner healing and mind renewal for herself and since 2001 has spent more than 10,000 hours in one-on-one ministry with people since. In 2014, the Value Exchange tool was given to Londa by the Holy Spirit as a way to get quicker healing for emotional trauma as well as the resulting lies that we believe about ourselves.

Rachelle Crowder, MD


In 2018, Dr. Rachelle Crowder came alongside Londa and began teaching the Value Exchange. With the Value Exchange, people have the opportunity to give Jesus their old identity, emotional trauma and/or wrong beliefs, and then receive valuable clarity, insight, and healing from Him in exchange.


Our mission is to teach the Good News of Jesus Christ and lead people into a mature, intimate, and sustainable relationship with Him. We passionately pursue inner healing and mind transformation for ourselves and have been using the Value Exchange in prayer ministry to help others receive the freedom that Christ purchased for them on the cross.

We are available to lead conferences, women’s retreats, and teach churches and ministry teams about how to supernaturally bring healing and deliverance.


The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (the Messiah), Because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent Me to announce release (pardon, forgiveness) to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy), to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord (the day when salvation and the favor of God abound greatly).

Luke 4:18-19 AMP


 Londa discovered the value of inner healing and mind renewal in 2001 and has spent more than 10,000 hours in one-on-one ministry with people since. In 2014, the Value Exchange tool was given to Londa by the Holy Spirit as a way to get quicker healing for emotional trauma as well as the resulting lies that we believe about ourselves. In 2018, Dr. Rachelle Crowder came alongside Londa and began teaching the Value Exchange. With the Value Exchange, people have the opportunity to give Jesus their old identity, emotional trauma and/or wrong beliefs, and then receive valuable clarity, insight, and healing from Him in exchange.  


 The goal is to reach a place of unity with the heart of Christ. During this process, people grow in their relationship and ability to communicate with God. We teach the “how to” of developing a deep, intimate relationship with the Lord, thereby empowering and encouraging others to run the race and lay hold of their prize (1 Corinthians 9:24).  


Londa and Dr. Rachelle, together with Christopher Harwell and Barbara Potuck, form the core leadership of Freedom Express Ministries. Our mandate is to teach and equip other ministry teams and individuals, empowering them to bring emotional healing to others, setting them free.